Monday, July 30, 2012

We have been learning to write explanations

Here are some of our explanantions:

Why do dogs bark?
My dog barks because somebody is at our door. By Minisha
My dog barks because he is hungry and he wants to go outside to play. By Ayesha
My dog barks because he wants me to play with him. By Shyah

Why we need to eat breakfast.
We need to eat breakfast so we have energy. By Tawhiri
We need to eat breakfast so that we dont get tired. ByJasmine
We need to eat breakfast because then we dont get hungry and we can grow. By Chantelle

How does a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?
The caterpillar eats leaves and flowers. Then he goes into his cocoon and then he turns into a butterfly. By Joshua.

Why do we need water?
We need water so we can wash our hands. By Jake
We need water because plants need water to grow. By Brooklyn
We need water so we can get clean. By Toni
We need water because we need to be able have a bath and shower. By Lincoln.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Keep on Trying!

Here is a video that Max and Amba from Kiwi Can showed us to help us to keep on trying our hardest no matter what! Tell us what you think about Ormie Pig.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

In Term 2 we had a Snuggle up and read day as part of  the school book fair. Here we are in our new beanies from Kids Can and us reading.


Room 1 & 2 participated in Gymbaroo with Amba and Max. Gymbaroo is a balance and co-ordination programme. Check out our photos!