Sunday, November 11, 2012

Writing descriptions

We have been learning to write descriptions this term in Room 2. Here are some photos of our shared writing. I will soon post some of the children's writing about their Mum's, Dad's, siblings and teachers.

Developmental Maths- Sorting shapes into groups

Week 1- we have been looking at shapes that are exactly the same. Here the children are putting shapes into groups to show that the shapes are the same shape and size.

Room 2 did a fantastic job of working together to finish this task. Well done!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Discovery time- Construction

 Here is Portia working on making a boat.
 Caleb made a car.
Tiani worked on this building with Jack and Minisha
 Here is Tamati, Shaelle, Willow and Faith building houses together.
 Minisha and Tiani are making towers.
Tawhiri is pretending to be a builder.
 Alex has made a tall tower for his cars to live in. Ayesha is helping him.
Jake, Teya and Tyrone are making a road.
Jack, Felix and Manaaki are making a house together out of lego.