Saturday, June 18, 2011

Discovery time- Jewellry making

Another exciting Discovery time... the children made jewellry using beads! There were fantastic conversations about colours, shapes and patterns as the children made rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

Manix made a beautiful bracelet for his little sister's birthday present.
Sieni made a beautiful necklace which she was very excited to show her parents.
Theanim was very proud of his beautiful necklace that he was making for his Nan.
Here is Michiah and Ivysha making bracelets.
Here is Te Ariki making a necklace

1 comment:

  1. Room 2 you were very clever and creative with your jewellery making. I loved how you all showed me what you made when I was out at road patrol. I am going to show my sister your blog as that is her job making and selling jewellery, I am sure she will get some ideas from your wonderful creations :)
